Monday, October 6, 2008

lots of FUNNY stuff number 5!

so just now(7:34 pm) i was practising my piano- for an hour!
but then my mom said i could take a brake because my brain was hurting.
then i made hot pockets from nulten bradly-
well i just watch too much tv and on alot of food comercials that say FROM NULTEN BRADLY!so i just say that.

my mom also made a smoothie (with yogurt and straberries)
and it was sooooooo good!

oh and guess what?
the day after tomarrow I'm going(just now we had family home evening)On FIELD TRIP!
and my mom is coming !
and collin! and josh's mom!
(my mom knows his mom)
and morgon's mom
(she lives in our neighbor hood,goes to the same class as me,and she rides purple early bus with me and sits next to me on the bus!)
also keithens mom. my momas group has madiline( i don't think thats how you spell it)riley,and elizabeth.

when i said that was a whole other thing when i said i was using one of ross's old backpacks I'll tell you it tomarow(maby)


Beeswax said...

I had a great time on your field trip, Janie!

Anonymous said...

Thats funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your cousin,